VOice over work & podcast samples


Pretty in pasadena podcast

This is the Pretty in Pasadena Podcast! Co-hosted by best friends, Mackenzie Reed Mize and Michelle Maestas Simonsen, produced by Simonsen Sounds. Join these two BFFs for conversations, laughs, and adventures in the crown city and the nearby communities. There are interviews of amazing and inspiring local people and a lot of love for the history, culture and happenings in this lovely destination city they call home. After all, "Pasadena is more than just another pretty place."

This Podcast is on hiatus due to change of artistic leadership and the pandemic as many interviews were conducted related to live events and in person activities. The podcast was on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Sound Cloud.

Samples of Michelle Simonsen with co-host, interviewing a variety of local personalities and lifestyle people in the Pasadena community.

live voice-over/acting work with score reading

“walter the farting dog” with live jazz big band in newman recital hall

Voice acting for the marching arts

Since 2016, Michelle Simonsen’s voice has become one of the most recognizable voices in the Marching Arts stadiums. This Voice Acting work is designed to amplify the story lines with Marching Band Shows that are performed in various High School Competitions.

audio files/clips of voice samples

Marching Band Shows filmed from audience with audio Voice Overs